CARNET-ARCHIVE is a Korean  genderless brand by Halyn Kim and Youngdae Kong. They each studied womenswear and menswear At the London College Of Fashion ↸

During they were studying in London ↸, they shared deep discussions about their work. They also discovered mutual points of view– The most significant one being a ‘craving for experimentation and a persistent desire for completion’. 

In their last year of study, In 2017, The two presented their individual graduate collections under the same topic and motif of A SCULPTED SCULPTOR’ ↸, based on their story, and naturally the birth of CARNET-ARCHIVE followed suit.

CARNET-ARCHIVE is a Korean  genderless brand by Halyn Kim and Youngdae Kong. They each studied womenswear and menswear At the London College Of Fashion ↸

During they were studying in London ↸, they shared deep discussions about their work. They also discovered mutual points of view– The most significant one being a ‘craving for experimentation and a persistent desire for completion’. 

In their last year of study, In 2017, The two presented their individual graduate collections under the same topic and motif of A SCULPTED SCULPTOR’ ↸, based on their story, and naturally the birth of CARNET-ARCHIVE followed suit.
